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Spinal Care Backpack for Children
Industry type:Fashion
Product model number:JPARR181/JPABB181
Bagmaster International Company Limited
award 3

airbobo Spinal Care Backpack for Children-the very first air-weight, spine care backpack which provides both excellent durability and loading capacity.

? Air-weight:The combination of patented air cushion paddings and eco-friendly lightweight fabrics, effectively making airbobo 30%-50% lighter than any other backpacks sold on the market.

? Excellent spinal care:Every single air cushion block is slightly differ in size and arrange firmly in grid array to create the Twin Arch Back System-a plane that perfectly fits our back arch, and even perfectly synchronized with our back muscle movement, providing both great supporting capability and stunning spine care, all the time.

? Environmental-friendly:We believed that a well-designed sourcing system could reduce unnecessary waste, or even help create a better environment. Every airbobo is made with hi-strength synthetic leather fabric with expected service life up to 6 years, providing both great durability and stunning weather-resistance.


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About Bagmaster International Company Limited



The Birth of airbobo
The brand airbobo is named after the idea of air cushion (air) and loving hugs (bobo) for schoolchildren. Splendid and colorful hot air balloons also represent the huge variety of airbobo products. Starting out from the concept of protecting schoolchildren's health and natural environment, Children Ergonomic School Bag was carefully developed to protect and realize schoolchildren's dream.

Gosh! Is it that heavy?
Several years ago, a father who was volunteering for the school as a traffic director personally witnessed schoolchildren carrying their book bag that doesn't fit their body shapes at all or dragging their book bag to school, making them walk in a tilted way. The father was wondering if there is a lighter and less energy-consuming book bag for the schoolchildren.

There must be a way.
One time during his journey at Taitung County of eastern Taiwan, the father saw the hot air balloons soaring towards the sky. He was suddenly inspired by the idea of applying light air to make book bags for schoolchildren.

What about air cushion?
The father started collecting relevant data from different sources to learn about making his ideal book bags. In the end, he has overcome several obstacles and developed a brand new Children Ergonomic School Bag that adopts eco-friendly yarn on the outer layer and air cushion as the main support. A book bag that is both healthy and suitable for schoolchildren was finally created.

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