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Fradox Venting Master
Industry type:Productivity and energy
Product model number:F001/F002/F003/FR001/FR002
award 3

The principle of Chimney Effect states that hot air rises and cold air falls, so the closer you are to the roof, the hotter you will feel. If there’s no good exhaust outlet on the roof, heat will accumulate causing the entire indoor to be hot and stuffy. 冬瓜 Roof Vent has upward opening which is the best way for heat dissipation. Multi-patented design can effectively extract heat, avoiding indoor buildup. Rainwater drains quickly, eliminating the possibility of strong wind blowing water into the building, perfectly overcoming the weak points of traditional Rotary Vent like short circulation, short service life, water leakage, broken head, etc. 冬瓜 is the first to combine natural and mechanical heat dissipation functions into one. Ventilation effect is maximized by natural convection supplemented with forced extraction. Test on exhaust volume: Natural (no power) = 82m³/hr. ; Mechanical (powered) = 820m³/hr. 冬瓜 is the best solution to the problem of sultry space.


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Fradox has been locally manufacturing environment friendly products adhering to energy savings and carbon reduction.
Our patented designs for "冬瓜" Roof Vent and Skylight Panel help buildings ventilate, cool and provide green lighting in the most energy-efficient way. Aside from reducing carbon emission and loving the earth, it can also save unnecessary electricity expenses and are both economical and affordable.
Fradox will continue to move towards the development of green energy products while hoping to leave a rich and clean environment for future generations.


Mr Chen was born in a farming family in Chiayi. As the eldest, he has to help in the fields. He loves drinking "冬瓜茶", the cold winter melon tea brewed by his grandma in the melon field. He didn't leave the farmland until he was admitted to TUST. As a working student, he worked in an extremely hot place, especially when it rains. At that time, he thought of piercing a few holes in the roof that are breathable but will not let the rain enter! In 1994, Unicorn TW was established. Visiting customers, and looking at the sweaty staff, he really wanted to solve the hot and humid problems in factories. In 2014, he established Fradox. The first task is to solve the problem of building ventilation. He hopes that the vent developed by him can be like the cold "冬瓜" prepared by grandma. Just a sip will immediately cool down and relieve the heat! The brand "冬瓜" was born! In the future, he hopes to be a "green energy expert" and focus on energy savings and carbon reduction.

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