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AB65Copper Alloy Anti-biofouling fish farm cage net
Industry type:Productivity and energy
Product model number:"AB65銅合金網"/"AB65複合網"
award 3

The surface of copper alloy wire has naturally antimicrobial characteristics. AB65 copper alloy wire is made of hybrid yarn,which is the combination of polyester fiber and copper alloy fiber. It has great strength and anti-corrosion properties. AB65 copper alloy wire soaked in water can release copper ions, effectively inhibit parasites and pathogens, and prevent the growth and attachment of barnacles, algae, and shellfish. AB65 wire has high strength properties to resist seawater corrosion, and to maintain its shape even under the Kuroshio Current. Interwoven with polyester fiber yarn, it greatly reduces the weight of the cage and slows down the corrosion of copper alloy surfaces. Hybrid yarn is easy to assemble, so the fish farmers can effectively simplify the installation process, reducing the cost of purchase. The decrease of adhesion between algae and shellfish maintains good water circulation and permeability, has higher dissolved oxygen values, and forms a friendly aquaculture environment.


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Yuang Hsian Metal Industrial Corporation (YHM) was established in 1951. It's Copper Alloy Wires & Rods are widely used in electrical, electronic, computer, machinery, automobile and hardware parts, etc. YHM has its own technology to render wires no welding points and grain size more uniform, in order to get better extension processing.
YHM has more than 70 years of exquisite copper alloy metallurgy. It’s has leading technology of 0.03 mm super fine copper alloy fiber in the world. YHM’s material not only has the conductivity of copper, but has better anti-corrosion. Its wire is gentle and slender, so it's easy to weave and improves comfort. The extension technology of AB65 is more advanced, the wire of it is 20 Denny, about a quarter of the diameter of a hair. AB65 can be applied in aerospace, or advanced semiconductor electrostatic clothing, promoting Taiwan as a global leader in advanced textile and functional fabric fiber technology.


The original idea was inspired by our ancestors, my grandfather was a eel farmer, when I was young. It was touched when seeing the eel grew up day by day under his careful care. After 70 years later, our descendant enters National Taiwan Ocean University for study, again, we are once again in contact with aquaculture. Coincided with the traditional hardware manufacturing recession, collision of old perceptions and new thinking achieves a new spark of AB65.

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