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Epixor XTは、自社で開発したTCA、CDB、CFR、C-40X等を搭載し、まったく新しいコンセプトの設計・造形で時代をリードしています。
TCAトルク装甲:Okuma TCA(Torsion Control Armor)トルク装甲は、毎回釣りを心から楽しんでいただけるよう、いっそう強固で耐久性の高い構造設計を有します。高剛性ボディ構造で効果的に負荷に対抗し、変形を防止します。
CFR(Cyclonic Flow Rotor):サイクロンローターは回転時に気流の発生量を増加させる設計となっており、リール内部の水気と水滴をすばやく排出して乾燥させ、サビを防ぎます。
宝熊漁具股份有限公司(OKUMA) について
For us at Okuma Fishing Tackle, fishing is a life-long adventure. Collectively, none of us fish as often, catch as many, or are as consistently successful as we would like, and thankfully so. Fishing is not a destination; it’s an endless pursuit that begins long before we ever get to the water. The anticipation of the next opportunity is as valuable as the time spent on the water.
At Okuma, we craft the tools for the journey. From entry-level through expert, every rod and reel is constructed not only to execute, but also to excite, energize and exhilarate. From feeling the tap, tap, tap of a drift rig searching its way along the bottom of a steelhead stream, to turning a lifeless lead jig into a fleeing bait-fish in the salt, every cast, crank, bobber down and hookup are the rich details of the journey.