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インテリジェント化レーザ穴あけ機TLC-2H22は、オンラインでリアルタイムに機体状況を把握でき、新たに開発したReal Time Monitor機能により機体動作時に生成される各種データを収集し、生産管理と稼動率評価を行います。機体の自己診断システムを搭載しており、定期的にツールの摩耗率を検査しメッセージを発信することで、早期に交換準備を開始し、想定外の稼働停止を避けることができます。製造過程及び設計においては、木型の使用を減らし電力消費の少ない電磁弁を採用する等、環境保護をコンセプトに取り入れました。見本市等のほか台湾市場でその活躍する姿を目にすることができます。
東台精機股份有限公司(Tongtai) について
In the initial stage, the main color on Tongtai machines was green. After 1981, to make a deeper impression for customers, the machines’ color was changed from green to red. At that time, more than 90% of our customers were in Taiwan. The red color in the Chinese culture represents “fortune.” It was appreciated by customers because of the reason. As time goes by, the amount of exports was increasing year by year, and red machines plated with the oriental feeling are too strong for international customers. Being an international brand, Tongtai started to change the machine color to white and blue. This change not only benefited worldwide machine distribution but also helped Tongtai to plant itself firmly in the global market. Tongtai now has a series of products which include vertical lathes/ machining centers, horizontal lathes/ machining centers, S.P.M. and PCB. The product line has expanded to horizontal boring and milling machines that are complicated by the worldwide customers.