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ビデオ編集ツールpqireaderはiPhone / iPad等のデバイスに接続して映像を出力できます。インターネット環境のない場所でも使用可能で、簡単にビデオ編集が行え、4K 超解像技術により、スムーズで細やかな映像表現が可能です。BGMや字幕を入れてSNSでシェアすることもできます。さらにAppleのMFi認証にも合格したバックアップ、急速拡張、ファイル管理機能により、1,000枚の写真のバックアップがワンクリック、たった5分で完成するほか、カメラにも同時保存でき、最高のコストパフォーマンスを誇ります。指紋認証Touch ID対応で面倒なパスコード入力は不要。パスコードを忘れて使用できなくなる心配もありません。
Power Quotient International Co., Ltd. について
Founded in 1997 and now a subsidairy of Foxlink, PQI is a global leader in 4C solutions with strong manufacturing capabilities and decades of R&D experience. Initially a DRAM module manufacturer, PQI established subsidiaries in the US, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea and China and integrated its all-round resources to create five major product lines; iStorage, Storage, Power, Mobility and Audio. PQI is now a global leader in mobile peripheral solutions with the focus of creating intelligent devices and hopes to make your every moment brilliant!
The dot on pqi's "i" is like a sphere, it symbolizes boundless energy.
The “i” in pqi symbolizes passion, energy and innovation, it is where dreams come true. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche once said “Men are great for the dreams they have”. Dreams take us beyond limits, spread the seeds of innovation and blossom into reality. For the past two decades, pqi have nurtured the same innovative and passionate culture. The people-oriented brand image is often associated with young and natural affection. Through “Powerful & Outstanding , Quality & Interactive Intelligently “ the pqi brand shall be reborn, bloom and flourish into a new generation of intelligent mobile lifestyle.