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冠馳股份有限公司 について
1979年創業の正光泳鏡(SAEKO)は、1987年に増資により冠馳(FIRST RANK)を設立した、水泳・潜水器具の研究開発・製造専門メーカーです。台湾で初めて総合的防霧処理の研究開発に成功したメーカーであり、その製品設計と製造能力は市場で高い評価を得ています。また1999年1月に国際品質保証認証のISO9002、2002年にISO9001:2000,2010年にISO9001:2008を取得しています。私たちは自社ブランドのもと100%台湾生産による高品質にこだわるメーカーです。品質への信念とこだわりと技術力の継続的な向上を通じ、国際品質水準を遵守し、お客様の満足度こそが私たちにとって最大の実績と考えます。同時にたゆまぬイノベーションと研究開発により、消費者に最高の製品を提供していきます。
You folks! Let’s exhilaratingly warm up and do sprint. Taiwan and SAEKO are going to swim toward the way of victory laurel together. At first, SAEKO specialized in sophisticated swimming goggles processing. We kick-started our private brand with a wave of enthusiasm, which is something we could make it remarkable with Taiwanese spirit step by step. Eventually, we successfully customized our brand which called SAEKO in 1979. Our goal is to Accomplish countless certifications in being regarded as the best in the field of swimming goggles industry worldwide. Keeping our philosophy of enhancing the strength to do product research all the way for the purpose of manufacturing not only elegant products but also functional, and we keep advancing ourselves during SAEKO has been established for 35 years. Luckily, more than twenty five million swimmers, who procure our products to freely swim in the water. To see those who wear our swimming goggles is a tempting motivation.