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1.東培工業(TPI)の製品価格は現在市販されている日本メーカー製軸受やヨーロッパメーカー製軸受よりも低く、競争優位性を備えています。 2.東培工業は自動車業界と台湾市場で手を結びウィンウィンの関係を築いています。 3.東培工業の技術、品質、イノベーションは自動車業界のニーズを満たしており、台湾の他の産業とともにさらに先へと邁進していきます。
東培工業股份有限公司(TPI) について
Managing a company is a constant process of managing change, solving problems and facing up to challenges. During this process we always keep three key concepts in mind: "Optimism, Confidence, and Innovation". As a result of this process at TPI, we develop not just the "know how" but the "know why" of our product development decisions.
We constantly build up our database of professional bearing knowledge, educating our staffs in all aspects of the products so that we can advance and improve bearing design and production along with its technical applications.
This focus on both development and design has strengthened our position in the bearing industry and enabled us to build up long term partnerships with global customers and well known brands. The globalization of our business distribution and renewed efforts in our product innovation are key to the future success of our company.