トップページ / 台湾エクセレンス賞 / Award Winning Products / Product Details

award 3

1. 豊富なインターフェイス:センサー用インターフェイスI2Cポートを独自搭載し、各種センサーに対応します。2. 4K/2K解像度:HDMI、DVI-I端子で高解像度デュアルディスプレイに対応します。3. モジュール化システム:機能ニーズに応じてPoE給電モジュールやPCI Express拡張ボードをインストールできます。4. ファンレス設計:パッシングクーリング式アルミ冷却フィンで、稼働時の騒音を軽減します。5. 広い入力電圧範囲:DC +9V~36Vと入力電圧範囲が広く、昇降圧デバイスは不要です。6. 高拡張性:USB×6、COM×6、Gb LAN(PoE含む)×2、DVI-I×1、HDMI×1、mini PCI Express×2、8in /8out DIO×1等。



南京資訊股份有限公司(PROTECH) について



Established in 1980, Protech Systems specialized in the design and manufacturing of industrial controls. In 1990, Protech Systems transformed to Personal computer fields. One the occasion of the PC industry flourishing in 2000, Engel Wu, the founder of Protech Systems, determined decided to transit the business to industrial computers fields. Protech Systems represent business ideas into the "honesty, aggressiveness and stable growth" corporate design, guiding the sustainable values. In year 2001, we started to implement the brand strategy, and launched our own brand of "PROX" to global marketing channels. “PROX” combines Protech Systems and X. It shows Protech Systems pursues customer-oriented with professional quality requirement. Also, “X” represents the idea of eXtersion. We believe information industry and industrial computer products are the key components of future technology products which will bring unlimited development for automation life style applications.

Protech Japan Co., Ltd
OSK Bldg, 6F, 6-25-14, Minami-Ohi Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-0013


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