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Designed for pregnant woman to play and create (or sing) songs through smooth pentatonic scales for baby.
Musical bells at its finest, play easily by just patting five colorful and tuned pentatonic bells, interactive stickers and song book inside also for mother (or child after birth) to record songs they created.
For Mom, the design helps to release stress during pregnancy; for child, it encourages brain development and sleeping habit after birth, and play by patting also stimulate hand-eye coordination. Importantly it provides the bonding memory between mom and child.
Music is the best language between Mom and baby.
This design is primary for pregnant woman to play for her baby – prenatal music. Provide the chance to reduce stress during pregnancy, stimulate fetal brain development and have a bonding memory in utero.
Designed with unique pentatonic scales, all five notes are complete in tonality, so every melody you play will sound pleasant and smooth to the ear.
Play freely from your heart, play premade rhythms, or use colorful stickers to build new melodies in your own songbook (colorful stickers and songbook included).
The mother uses pentatonic bells to create loving songs for baby, the songs also symbolize unique "memory code" and a bonding connection between mom and baby.
玩偶的家実業股份有限公司(PlayMe) について
20年の経験を持つ木工技術・設計チームが、子ども向け木製製品への愛と豊富な経験のもと、2001年に共同でPlayMe Toysを設立しました。台湾現地で生産を行い、グローバルに製品販売を行っています。 子どもの頃のなつかしい経験と記憶は、自然で確かな木材によって保ち、伝えていくべきです。 再生可能な天然木材を原料に選定し、自然の温もりが感じられる製品をつくっています。地球環境に有害な物質の使用は避けています。 設計は子どもの心と体の心の発展ニーズを出発点に、構造と耐久性との両面を考慮した専門の木工技術で、さまざまな年齢層の子どもたちにとって発育の助けとなる製品を届けています。材料の選定から生産品質まで、もっとも厳格な管理を行い、安全第一の考え方のもと、生産する玩具はすべてCE等の世界的な玩具安全基準を満たしています。
Creativity Happy playing! Happy learning! We hope children can learn and liberate their creativity from playing. To create the value of playing We integrate fun and education into our product design. It is the most precious thing that children can grow up happily with our toys. When we see the bright smile on the naive face of children and find the learning and creativity from them, the value of “PlayMe” has surpassed over the toy itself. The products of “PlayMe” are not only toys to the children. They also play the role of companion, helper and education instrument. It is an unforgettable experience and memory in their growth.