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The teapot: Year of the monkey
award 3

1. The appearance of the teapot is round, smooth and simple, which makes people think about the meaning of it, and then create its own style by daily maintenance. The pattern on the teapot has been made use of monkey, which was symbolized as longevity and promotion. The best describe of longevity is peace and happiness.
2. All molding raw materials are brand new and not used repeatedly. The manufacture process is closely monitored—the cast iron sample is inspected with a spectrometer to ensure there is no heavy metal before they are used to make products.
3. TAKU follows the same manufacture process of making artificial joints. With the process, can make the products much smoother than the other regular products by traditional manufacture process. It can also bear the temperature difference, which means, no need to wait until it cools down for washing or pouring cold water in.
4. There is no paint applied on the inside layer of all TAKU Ironware. Thus the teapot will slowly release Fe2+ while boiling water, which human bodies absorb easily. The surface is painted with environmental-friendly, excellent raw lacquer.
5. Cast iron maintains heat well and distributes heat evenly. Released ferrous ions will help separate out chlorine and pollutants in the water. Water will therefore become pure and refreshing and tea will taste smoother and palatable.
6. TAKU, the pronunciation is similar to “t?a- koo” in Taiwanese, it symbolizes the simplicity and honesty in the early farming industry. Like TAKU creates the most natural utensils with all truly heart, leading people back to the past, looking for “Happiness, Health, New Connection” in new age. Meanwhile, to show the exclusive rattan art in Taiwan by designing the simple but not gaudy teapot with meticulous handicraft to increase the beauty of teapot. At the end, develop and promote the exclusive culture and beauty of Taiwan.



般若科技股份有限公司(SOLAS) について



「大古鋳鉄(TAKU Ironware)」は、妻に対する夫の愛から生まれました。創業者の林允進氏は、もともと中小企業の経営者でしたが、夫人の健康に関する医師の総合的アドバイスを踏まえ、鋳鉄製調理器具の研究に取り組み始めました。しかし、いくら探しても、安心して使用できる納得のいく鉄瓶や鉄フライパンを見つけ出すことはできませんでした。そこで、「100%安心して使用できる健康的な調理器具を作り出す」ことを初志とし、「大古鋳鉄」が誕生しました。 製造工程の細部に至るまでしっかりと管理し、卓越した技術と東洋の美を融合した製品から得られるものは、食の健康にとどまりません。思いがけずも、さらなる美味がもたらされるのです。 健康への思いが、意外な化学反応を引き起こし、お茶や食事の美味をさらに引き出す結果となりました。誰しも、家族や友人と良いものを共有したいと思うものです。美味の追求は人類普遍の営みであり、人と人との新しい関係をとり持ちます。これこそが大古鋳鉄の存在意義の核心なのです。


