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明緯企業股份有限公司(MEAN WELL) について
1982年創業の明緯(MEAN WELL)は、35年にわたり自社ブランド「MEAN WELL」のもと経営を行い、少量多品種の産業用標準電源市場をターゲットに、幅広い製品ラインナップ、フレキシブルな生産、計画的な在庫を通じ、世界のさまざまなお客様のパワーサプライニーズに応えてきました。現在明緯には5社の販売会社と4つの工場があり、製品は世界200社以上の代理店を通じ80カ国以上で販売されています。製品は主に産業制御、自動化生産設備、計器設備、IT、LED照明/デジタルサイネージ、通信、医療、EV、充電器等の市場で応用されています。
In 1982, MEAN WELL’s founder, Mr. Jerry Lin established MEAN WELL enterprise to produce Apple, IBM compatible switching power supply as main products. The original brand name "MEAN WELL" was derived from his English dictionary. MEAN WELL means "have good intentions".
This meaning is consistent with Mr. Lin’s personal belief - one who has right thinking, good intention and runs a legitimate business, no matter he is capable of accomplishing a noble goal or not, he should persist and conquer. Later on, from the similar English pronunciation of “MEAN WELL”, it further came up with 「明緯」as the Chinese company name.
In 1986, Taiwan’s OEM/ODM orders for electronic industry were booming, however, MEAN WELL gradually abandoned this business model and decided to cultivate our own brand. We started to develop standard switching power supplies and paid much more attention on quality and reliability. ”MEAN WELL means Quality Switching Power Supply”, this slogan is actually the extension of the original of the enterprise. We provide the best quality of power supplies based on the belief of sincerity, so that our clients feel reliable about the brand “MEAN WELL”. MEAN WELL represents “The Mark of Reliability”.