トップページ / 台湾エクセレンス賞 / Award Winning Products / Product Details

ウェアラブルカメラ DrivePro Body 10
award 3

創見資訊(Transcend Information)のDrivePro Body 10は、警備員、保安スタッフ、関連分野の専門家にとって最高のパートナーです。このウェアラブルカメラは、トップクラスの高感度センサー、高品質レンズ、自動で起動する赤外線照明機能を搭載しており、高解像度の画像を正確かつ鮮明に撮影し、あらゆる瞬間を余さず記録します。さらに、DrivePro Body 10は、大容量リチウム電池を内蔵し、防水性と耐衝撃性を備えているため、屋内外での使用に適しており、最も信頼できるパートナーとなるでしょう。 - 高感度センサー - 暗視赤外線LEDライト - 130°広角録画 - 便利なスナップショット機能で決定的瞬間を逃さない - 64GB microSDメモリーカード付属



創見情報股份有限公司(Transcend) について



Transcend Information. Inc. was founded in 1988 by Mr. Chung-Won Shu, Peter, with its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan. Today, Transcend has become a leading global brand of digital storage, multimedia and industrial products with 14 offices worldwide. Not only do we design, develop, and manufacture all of our own products, but we also market and sell them. At Transcend, we uphold the highest quality and believe in professional service. As a customer-focused company, Transcend has the ability to quickly respond to the market’s changing needs. Transcend has established offices in Taiwan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, The Netherlands, Japan, Korea, China and Hong Kong. Our manufacturing plants are located in Taipei and Shanghai, creating optimum product supply systems with a global perspective. The strength of our logistics network lies in its ability to link employees and customers to our latest products through state-of-the-art technology, and also in its assurance.


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