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FECAは、日常生活に寄り添う製品に注力しています。革新的な吸盤式真空技術を使って、日用品をより面白く便利なソリューションにし、暮らしのあらゆる面を支えるFECAとなることを目指しています。 A4カタツムリ吸盤セロテープ台は、従来のセロテープ台のように重たいものではなく、軽量で美しいデザインとなっています。そのユニークな形状は、面白さと幾何学的なシンプルさを兼ね備え、製品の個性を示すだけでなく、デザインクオリティの高さを際立たせています。テープホイールは1インチと3インチのテープに対応し、オフィスでの使用に適しています。 A4セロテープ台は大変使いやすく、上から台を押さえつければ、底面の吸盤がテーブルにしっかりと吸着し、テープを剥がす際に滑ることがありません。テーブル、オフィスのパーティション、その他の気密性の高い表面など、幅広い物体の表面で使用でき、仕事や暮らしに利便性と楽しさを提供します。 マーケティング戦略において、FECAのA4カタツムリ吸盤セロテープ台は、オンライン・オフラインの販売両方を展開しています。オンラインではターゲット層を正確に見極め、ピンポイントにリーチしています。実店舗では、製品体験を提供することでブランドイメージとFECAのブランド価値を高め、FECAにとってより大きな市場機会の創出を目指しています。
Ferro-Carbon was established in 1989 and it has been making its efforts in the design and production of professional construction tiling tools. On the basis of the ideas of "FLAWLESS, EQUITABLE, CONSISTENT, and ABIDING", we keep integrating creation into the products, make products with several brilliant ideas to become popular goods, and make the products more convenient to operate. In particular, there is always strict checking between each link from raw materials to mass production. The quality system of ISO, ERP system, management of supply chain, and customer after sale service are all exactly controlled in order to keep the quality and reliability of the products.By following the company president, Mr. Chen Lung-Chih, the market horizons are brought to the worldwide gradually.
Ferro-carbon company wants to be able to become "the world's first vacuum applications technology leader," but also to "to space design and storage management concepts, shaping a more comfortable life aesthetics" as the corporate mission. The first brand was founded in 1989, and the world's fifth largest tile cutter factory to OEM cooperation; in 1999 set up a second brand TILE CRAFT, adhere to manufacturing in Taiwan, quality assurance, and fifth largest building materials tile cutting tool factory; establishment of a third brand FECA in 2009, emphasis on functional aesthetics, innovation, fashion, home life quality, diversified business to its own brand into boutique department store market currently has 230 global FECA counters. Ferro-carbon business 26 years, had experienced from the industrial transformation from manufacturing to manufacturing services, more from B2B business way past into B2C mode of operation, in fact, a model for Taiwan business transformation success story.