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150mmトラベルのフロント・リアサスペンションは、先端部の感度が高く、それを中間部が強力に支え、さらに末端部が漸進的に補完します。ホルストリンク(Horst link)マルチリンクサスペンションシステムにより、急な山道でのライディングをより快適にしています。前輪・後輪は全地形対応で、砂やぬかるみ等の悪条件の路面への挑戦も容易にします。リムはチューブレスレディで、選択の自由度を高めています。
またTRS2は、フロントライトの追加を容易にするLight Linkや、ドロッパーシートポストの追加・メンテナンス用にトップチューブ下側に予備の穴を確保する等、装備のアップグレード、カスタマイズに適した親切な設計を取り入れています。
Darfon Innovation Co. について
Darfon Innovation Corp. is a subsidiary of Darfon Electronics Corp, a listed company in Taiwan and one of the world’s leading notebook keyboard manufacturer. Leveraging on cross-industry innovation, Darfon Innovation Corp. has more than 15 years of experience and core competence in designing and producing stylish and highly integrated e-bikes. Exceeding the limits of the traditional frameworks of bike industry, Darfon has been trying to make innovative and highly integrated e-bikes and to become the leader of green fashion. Darfon Innovation’s e-bikes are not just eco-friendly, but can allow users to live healthier lives and show fashion styles. Darfon’s stylish Lion LX1 and Panther PS 1 have received global design awards in these 2 years. Panther PS1 wins Taipei Cycle d&i gold award 2014 and Lion LX1 wins 2014 CHINA CYCLE CREATIVE AWARD.
BESV - beautiful, eco-friendly, smarter and vision.
BESV is committed to creating premium electric bicycles and accessories that combine advanced software technology, manufacturing innovation, and unique, stylish designs, all in order to bring customers a truly amazing user-experience.