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Greetings from Taiwan and Taiwan Excellence.
In response to the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV or Wuhan Pneumonia), the Taiwan government has taken comprehensive measures to protect the health of the public from the global outbreak.
All events and activities held by Taiwan Excellence for international visitors are conducted in full and stringent compliance with health and safety regulations and there is no danger posed to exhibitions and meeting venues in Taiwan.
Taiwan reacted swiftly to news of the novel coronavirus outbreak and the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (TCDC) immediately activated the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) in order to integrate resources across the government and networks of public health experts. Visitors can expect the highest standards for medical assistance with the most advanced medical equipment available.
Measures being taken to effectively control any spread of the novel coronavirus within Taiwan include the followings:
The WHO has issued the warning that the novel coronavirus is spreading throughout China and across the world. Updates as of Feb. 2nd, 2020, Taiwan has only 10 confirmed cases of the virus infection with 0 fatality; infected patients are in a stable and non-life threatening condition.
The most up-to-date report can be found on the websites of Taiwan Center for Disease Control and WHO:
You may also call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline 0800-001922 for live updates.
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