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Für alle, die das Maximum aus ihrem Notebook herausholen wollen, ist das ZenBook Pro 15 die richtige Wahl. Schneller und leistungsfähiger als je zuvor vereint dieses Highend-Notebook die neusten Technologien aus dem Hause Asus, so etwa das revolutionäre, multitaskingfähige Bedieninterface ScreenPad. Das glasbeschichtete 5,5“ FHD Touchdisplay dient als Mausersatz oder erweiterter Bildschirm und integriert Mediasteuerung, App-Launcher, Shortcuts, Nummernblock, Smartphone-Funktionen und vieles mehr. Dazu bietet das ZenBook Pro 15 überragende Leistung mit Intel Core i9 Hexacore-CPU und bis zu 1TB PCIe® x4 SSD. Die überragende DirectX® 12 kompatible NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX Grafik bis hin zur 1050 Ti macht dieses Notebook auch zum Liebling von Grafikdesignern und Gaming-Enthusiasten. Mit seiner hochwertigen Ausstattung ist dieses Profi-Notebook jeder Herausforderung gewachsen.
Über ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
ASUS is a worldwide top-three consumer notebook vendor and maker of the world’s best-selling, most award-winning, motherboards. A leading enterprise in the new digital era, ASUS designs and manufactures products that perfectly meet the needs of today’s digital home and office, with a broad portfolio that includes motherboards, graphics cards, optical drives, displays, desktop and all-in-one PCs, notebooks, netbooks, servers, multimedia devices, wireless solutions, networking devices, tablets and smartphones. Driven by innovation and committed to quality, ASUS won 4,256 awards in 2013 and is widely credited with revolutionizing the PC industry with its Eee PC™. ASUS has more than 13,600 employees around the globe with a world-class R&D team of 4,500 engineers. Company revenue for 2013 was approximately US$14 billion.
ASUS takes its name from Pegasus, the winged horse in Greek mythology that symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. ASUS embodies the strength, purity, and adventurous spirit of this fantastic creature, and soars to new heights with each new product it creates. Innovation is key to the success of ASUS. Having unveiled the PadFone to a rapturous audience at Computex 2011, this year, ASUS chairman Jonney Shih raised the bar once more by announcing the TAICHI™ and Transformer Book dual-purpose ultraportables. This visionary approach is the reason ASUS is able to bring high-quality innovation and design to all, and the reason for its widespread acclaim. ASUS products won 4,256 international awards and accolades in 2013 – that’s over 11 a day, every day. ASUS has consistently achieved significant year-on-year growth in terms of consumer notebook units shipped too, and closed 2011 on a high with revenues hitting US$11.9 billion.